The UKHASnet API is exposed as a set of HTTP URLs behind [[|]]. ==== Program ==== The API daemon is written in Node.js and is run as a background daemon, at The source code can be found on [[|]] ==== URLs ==== For uploading packets [[uploading_packets|see here]]. * **/upload** - **POST** * Uploads given data string into the Database for processing * Compulsory Request Parameters * origin: [string: callsign of gateway node] * data: [string: raw data] * Return Parameters * error: [integer: 0 if successful, 1 if failure] * **/logtail** - **GET** * Returns recent packet uploads and processing status of each * Optional Request Parameters * lastId: [integer: filter uploads since given row id] * Return Parameters * Array (can be 0 length) * i: [integer: Upload row id] * ni: [integer: Gateway Node id] * nn: [string: Gateway Node callsign] * t: [integer: Unix timestamp of upload] * p: [string: Raw packet] * s: [string: State of Packet Processing] * "Pending", "Processed" or "Error" * **/mapNodes** - **GET** * Returns all nodes with a stored location, and their most recent information * Return Parameters * Array (can be 0 length) * i: [integer: Node id] * o: [string: Node owner/description] * a: [integer: Unix timestamp of most recent packet] * p: [string: Raw most recent packet] * la: [float: Most recent Latitude value] * lo: [float: Most recent Longitude value] * **/nodeInfo** - **GET** * Returns node Information, either for the node requested, or all nodes. * Optional Request Parameters * id: [integer: requested node id] * Return Parameters * Array (can be 0 length) * i: [integer: Node id] * n: [string: Node callsign] * o: [string: Node owner/description] * **/nodeLData** - **GET** **Not currently Implemented** * Returns info about the last packet from the node specified * Compulsory Request Parameters * id: [integer: requested node id] * Return Parameters * Array (can be 0 length) * lPacket: [string: Last raw packet from node] * lRxT: [integer: Timestamp of last packet (unix timestamp)] * lRxNi: [integer: Last packet gateway id] * lRxNn: [string: Last packet gateway callsign] * lBoot: [integer: Timestamp of last detected boot (sequence='a') (unix timestamp)] * **/nodeData** - **GET** * Returns graphable Data from the specified node * Compulsory Request Parameters * id: [integer: requested node id] * Exclusive Or: * since: [integer: Filter for data after this time (unix timestamp)] * period: [integer: Filter for data in this last time period (seconds)] * Return Parameters * Array (can be 0 length) * Array * i: [integer: Data type id] * tn: [string: Data type description] * n: [string: Data type description (short)] * d: Array * t: [integer: Data point timestamp (unix)] * d: [float: Data point value] * **/lastData** - **GET** * Returns last data value and name of the specified type from the specified node * Compulsory Request Parameters * id: [integer: requested node id] * type: [integer: requested data type] * Return Parameters * Object (can be 0 length) * data: [float: data value] * pos: [integer: data position in string] * typeid: [integer: data type requested] * type: [string: Name of data type] * unit: [string: Unit of data type] * time: [string: ISO8601 Timestamp of data value] * **/addNode** - **POST** * Adds a Node to the database * Compulsory Request Parameters * id: [string: Node callsign] * owner: [string: Node owner/description] * Return Parameters * error: [integer: '0' for successful, otherwise error] * **/editNode** - **POST** * Edits a node owner/description * Compulsory Request Parameters * id: [integer: Node id] * owner: [string: Updated node owner/description] * Return Parameters * error: [integer: '0' for successful, otherwise error] * **/checkNodeId** - **GET** * Checks if a node callsign is available * Compulsory Request Parameters * id: [string: Proposed node callsign] * Return Parameters * error: [integer: '1' for available, '0' for not] ==== Field IDs ==== ^ ID ^ Type ^ | 1 | Temperature | | 2 | Voltage | | 3 | RSSI | | 4 | Pressure | | 5 | Humidity | | 6 | Location | | 7 | Sun |