====== Raspberry Pi Node Design ======= The Broadcom processor used on the Raspberry Pi supports 3.3v SPI, which makes it trivial to attach a RFM69 with no other components. The Pi makes a good Ethernet-enabled gateway, which is easy to remotely manage. ===== Hardware ===== {{ :guides:rpi_node.jpg?400|}} Russ has a very simple hat-like PCB for neatly attaching a RFM69 to the Pi: https://github.com/russss/raspberry-pi-rfm69 Alternatively, the [[http://shop.ciseco.co.uk/slice-of-pi-add-on-for-raspberry-pi/|Slice of Pi]] prototyping board has some 2mm spaced holes (intended for an XBee style module) which make it relatively easy to attach an RFM69 as shown [[dbrooke_nodes:dbpg|here]]. This can be used on older Pi boards with the 26 pin GPIO connector as well as newer ones with the 40 pin connector. ===== Software ===== There are currently three pieces of software designed to interface with an RFM69 Module connected to a Pi. * Russ's RPi python UKHAS.net node, designed for use with the above PCB: https://github.com/russss/ukhasnet-node-python * Mike's C++ https://github.com/m1ari/UKHasNET-PiNode code, This supports receiving packets and uploading to ukhas.net as well as basic transmission of packets. It doesn't currently repeat and the receiver is fairly basic. * David's C https://github.com/dbrooke/UKHASNetPiGateway code, This is receive only but has a number of optimizations to give the best chance of receiving packets.