====== GutterNode ====== This is a node to fit in James' 3D printed gutter enclosure. An Atmel ATMEGA328P means it is Arduino compatible. It has a [[jon:cn3083|CN3083]] solar/LiPo charger on board. It also has a footprint for a HTU21D temperature/humidity sensor. There are connections broken out for a DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor, and serial TX/RX. Test pads: - Test pad 1 is "OK" - pulled high at charge termination - Test pad 2 is "CH" - pulled high during charging Error states are other combinations of the TP outputs, you should check the datasheet for details. Parts list: * U3 MCP1700 SOT-23 3.3V regulator * U4 CN3083 charger * C1, C2 1uF * R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 100k * C7 22uF * R2 3.6k * C6 4.7uF * C3, C4, C5 100nF * R1 4.7k * R9 (not fitted) {{:jon:2015-08-21_10.11.40.jpg?500|}}