====== List of Node Implementations ======
James Coxon
* Arduino Boards
* [[jcoxon_arduino_nodes|Arduino Nodes]]
* AA - gateway - Lavenham, Suffolk
* AB - gateway - Sevenoaks, Kent
* [[balloon_nodes:ball1|BALL1]] - Prototype balloon payload
* AH0 - Stripboard Arduino + BMP180 Pressure Sensor
* AH2 - Gutternode Prototype
* [[balloon_nodes:ah3|AH3]] - Moteino based, temperature controlled crystal - launched as a balloon node
* AH4 - test node
* [[jcoxon_arduino_nodes:ah5|AH5]] - Solar/Nimh based
* [[jcoxon_arduino_nodes:ah6|AH6]] - Moteino based, solar panel + lipo
* [[jcoxon_arduino_nodes:RED0|RED0]] - Redsands Fort Node
* LPC810/2
* [[jcoxon_lpc810_nodes|LPC810 Nodes]]
* [[jcoxon_lpc810_nodes:ah1|AH1]] - Car node
* [[jcoxon_lpc810_nodes:ah2|AH2]] - Solar/Lipo
* AI0 - LPC812 powered by Solar + Supercap - Lavenham
* AI1 - LPC812 powered by Solar + Supercap - Sevenoaks
[[phil_crump|Phil Crump]]
* [[phil_crump_gen2_nodes|Stripboard Atmel AVR-based Nodes]]
* PS01 - Garden Sensor (DS18B20) - [[https://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=49|Data]]
* PS02 - Fridge Sensor (DS18B20) - [[https://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=50|Data]]
* [[phil_crump:boards:avr_sensor_v2|AVR Sensor Board V2]]
* P00 - Pi Gateway + Repeater
* PS00 - Indoor Sensor (DHT22) - [[https://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=48|Data]]
* PS03 - Windowsill Sensor (DHT22) - [[https://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=51|Data]]
* [[phil_crump:boards:avr_sensor_v3|AVR Sensor Board V3]]
* PV01 - Roofspace Sensor (DHT22) - [[https://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=115|Data]]
* [[phil_crump:boards:avr_usensor_v1|AVR Micro Sensor Board V1]] - //Coming soon!//
Chris Stubbs
* [[ideas:esp8266|AVR/ESP8266 repeater/gateway node]]
[[mike_richards_nodes|Mike Richards]]
* WNC0 - Stripboard gateway node
* WNC1 - Stripboad temperature node
* WNC2 - Moteino temperature node
* WNC3 - Moteino repeater node
* WNC4 - Moteino survey node
* WNC5 - Moteino repeater + ESP8266 WiFi gateway
Bo Herrmannsen
* [[bdk_nodes:bdk2|BDK1]] - Stripboard gateway node
* BDK2 - Stripboad temperature node - [[https://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?name=BDK2|Data]]
David Brooke
* Raspberry Pi
* [[dbrooke_nodes:dbpg|DBPG]] - Gateway with temperature and pressure sensor (Tipps End) - [[https://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=116|Data]]
* [[phil_crump:boards:avr_sensor_v3|AVR Sensor Board V3]]
* [[dbrooke_nodes:dbag|DBAG]] - Gateway with ENC28J60 Ethernet (not currently in use)
* [[dbrooke_nodes:dbcg|DBCG]] - Car gateway with battery monitoring and location updates - [[https://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=181|Data]]
* [[dbrooke_nodes:db04|DB04]] - Garden temperature and humidity sensor (Tipps End) - [[https://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=141|Data]]
* [[dbrooke_nodes:dbd1|DBD1]] - Garden temperature and humidity sensor (Disley) - [[https://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=292|Data]]
* [[guides:lpc812_design#mk1_v10|LPC812 (EtnaNode v1.0)]]
* [[dbrooke_nodes:dbdg|DBDG]] - Gateway (Disley)
Jon Sowman
* [[jon:fcnode|Film canister ultra-low power solar node]]
* [[jon:cn3083|CN3083 solar lipo charger]]
* [[jon:gutternode1|GutterNode]]
* [[jon:gateway-dongle|Gateway Dongle]]
Russ Garrett
* Raspberry Pi Gateway in Python ([[https://github.com/russss/raspberry-pi-rfm69|PCB]], [[https://github.com/russss/rfm69-python|Python library]], [[https://github.com/russss/ukhasnet-node-python|Node code]])
* M - [[mat:raspigw|Raspberry Pi Gateway breadboard lashup]]
* GXLAM - [[mat:gpsnode|GPS node breadboard lashup]]
* M1 - [[mat:solar|Solar stripboard node]]
* [[mat:aerialtest|Aerial test of GPS node]]
[[oddstr13|Odd Stråbø]]
* [[oddstr13:node:cube1in9:atmega328pb_rfm69|Cube 1.9": ATmega328PB + RFM69HW]]
* [[oddstr13:node#list_of_nodes|List of nodes - OS*]]