I live in Southampton, studied Electronic Engineering at Southampton University, and continue to be involved with the [[http://www.suws.org.uk/Main_Page|Wireless Society]] and [[http://susf.co.uk/|Spaceflight Society]].
On IRC I am known as //craag// or variations thereof.
**My Website**: [[https://www.philcrump.co.uk/|philcrump.co.uk]]
**My Github**: [[https://github.com/philcrump/|github.com/philcrump]]
I work as an engineer at [[http://www.telemetricor.com/|Telemetricor Ltd.]]
====== Project Involvement ======
I am the lead sysadmin for the ukhas.net server, and (currently) sole developer of the ukhas.net front-end website and API.
====== Node Development ======
I started basing my nodes on the Freescale Freedom KL25z ARM Cortex-M0+ Development Boards using the mbed framework.
* [[phil_crump_gen1_nodes|Phils KL25z Generation 1 Nodes]]
Following issues with the power and possible firmware bugs on the KL25z boards however, I've taken a step back to the Atmel ATMega328P/168P ICs. These are the 8-bit microprocessors that underpin the Arduino boards.
* [[phil_crump_gen2_nodes|Phils AVR Generation 2 Nodes]]
In the future I am planning to experiment with the ST Microelectronics [[http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/mmc/FM141/SC1169/SS1817|STM32L0 ARM Cortex-M0+ ICs]], however I am waiting until the Nucleo boards become available.
* [[phil_crump:boards:avr_sensor_v2|AVR Sensor PCB V2]]
====== My Nodes ======
===== Sensors =====
Fuses: **sudo avrdude -c avrispmkii -P usb -p m168p -U lfuse:w:0xe2:m -U hfuse:w:0xd7:m -U efuse:w:0xf9:m**
==== PV01 ====
#ifdef PV01
char id[] = "PV01";
byte num_repeats = '1'; //The number of hops the message will make in the network
#define BATTV_FUDGE 1.18 // Battery Voltage ADC Calibration
#define BEACON_INTERVAL 120 // Beacon Interval is (x * 8) seconds
uint8_t rfm_power = 10; // dBmW
#define DHT22
#define SENSOR_VCC // Arduino Pin 8
#define ENABLE_BATTV_SENSOR // Comment out to disable
==== PV02 ====
#ifdef PV02
char id[] = "PV02";
byte num_repeats = '1'; //The number of hops the message will make in the network
#define BATTV_FUDGE 1.16 // Battery Voltage ADC Calibration
#define BEACON_INTERVAL 120 // Beacon Interval is (x * 8) seconds
uint8_t rfm_power = 10; // dBmW
#define DHT22
#define SENSOR_VCC // Arduino Pin 8
#define ENABLE_BATTV_SENSOR // Comment out to disable