====== Phils AVR-based Nodes (Generation 2) ====== **Code Repository** - [[https://github.com/philcrump/UKHASnet_nodes|github.com/philcrump/UKHASnet_nodes]] I've built the [[synchronous_rfm69hw_lib|Synchronous RFM69HW Library]] for the Arduino framework that I use with the Nodes. ===== Prototyping ===== Following [[guides:arduino_design|James' Simple Stripboard Design]] for the London Hackspace Workshop, I began to use this as a base for the AVR-based nodes. ==== Repeater Nodes ==== {{:wiki:philcrump-gen2-nodewlipo.jpg?200 |}} {{:wiki:philcrump_gen2_packaged_repeater.jpg?200}} A 1W solar panel provides continuous power for the node, whilst a 4Ah LiPo battery gives a large reserve capacity to maintain the node through the nights and usual bad weather. * [[http://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=35|PS00]] - Repeater Node on Primrose Road (my house) * 1W Solar Panel * 8Ah LiPo * [[http://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=36|PS01]] - Repeater Node on Burgess Road (110m away) * 1W Solar Panel * 16Ah LiPo ==== Dumb-Sensor Nodes ==== {{:wiki:philcrump-gen2-sensornode.jpg?200}} These nodes are powered off 3x AA batteries with a 3.3V LDO (MCP1700). These nodes are in sleep-mode between transmissions and so do not repeat, but should last ~3 months on one set of batteries. * [[http://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=48|PS00]] - Temperature Sensor in my room * [[http://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=49|PS01]] - Temperature Sensor behind the shed in the garden * [[http://www.ukhas.net/nodeInfo?id=50|PS02]] - Temperature Sensor in the Fridge