====== RF ====== * Write up some tested antenna design guides (1/4 wave, moxon, etc) * Test [[rfm69hw_configuration|Phil's RFC]] for radio configuration. * Build FSK decoder in gnuradio for testing * Test performance against the RFM69 receiver ====== ukhas.net ====== * Add RSSI Upload * Database: Add RSSI column to upload table (default: 0) * API: Add RSSI insert to upload function * Web: Add RSSI column to logtail * Web: Add RSSI to NodeInfo page * Add link to origin node to parsed rows in logtail * Database: Add Origin node id to 'upload' table (default NULL) * Parser: Send origin id, (+name?) over upload_parse NOTIFY * Web: Add Origin column to logtail * Add lat,lon,alt to nodes table for quick map query. * Database: Add lat,lon,alt columns to 'nodes' table * Parser: Parse location into nodes table as well * API: Rewrite map query to use nodes table * Add selection of node types (stationary, mobile, sensor, hab) * Database: Add node type field to 'nodes' table (another table for node_types?) * Web: Add type selection to nodeEdit page * Web: Add different icons for types on map page * Move logtail to websockets * Web: betalogtail -> logtail