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====== RFM69HW Temp Management ====== ===== Idea 1: Crystal Oven ===== ==== Components ==== * RFM69HW * Moteino or another micro * 2 Resistors (10ohms) * Mosfet ==== Design ==== * 2 resistors in parallel lying over the RFM69HW crystal acting as heaters * Mosfet is used to connect the resistors to ground (they are connected to VCC as well) to complete the circuit and heat up the crystal. * To control the temperature we use PWM to turn the mosfet on and off, the hotter we want the more often we turn the mosfet on. * The control system uses a PID loop ==== Current Implementation ==== * Using the PID v1 library on the arduino (using a moteino) * Measuring temperature with the onboard RFM69HW temperature sensor * Working well using a setpoint of 20C to test. {{:ideas:15351933030_139d7c1206_o.jpg?300|}} {{:ideas:15513869606_518273199b_o.jpg?300|}} ==== Possible Improvements ==== * Improve heating efficiency with better insulation * Tighten the PID loop * Use an external temperature sensor which maybe more accurate ===== Idea 2: Adjust Freq to Temp ===== ==== Links ==== * [[,357.0.html]] ===== Experiments ===== This section is more for documentation. ==== Temperature Drift ==== * 04/01/15 23:04 - AB -> AH6, * AH6 reporting T-6 * AB reporting T25 {{:ideas:abtoah6_cold.png|}} * In this screenshot its possible to appreciate the difference between the frequencies of the nodes, currently AB is only rx'ing 20% of AH6's beacons most likely due to the frequency difference. * 05/01/15 07:34 - AB -> AH6 * AB = T24 * AH6 = T1 {{:ideas:abtoah6_warm.png|}} * Comparing the 2 pictures * 1st image frequency difference was 27 pixels * 2nd image was 21 pixels {{:ideas:rxovertime.png|}}
ยท Last modified: 2020/06/27 23:02 (external edit)
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