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====== Welcome to the UKHASnet Wiki ====== UKHASnet is a simple mesh network protocol, using cheap license-free modules, and simple re-broadcast routing. This has been developed by several members of UKHAS (UK High Altitude Society). The mesh network is intended as a low-cost, low-effort sensor network for the home, hackerspace or campus. But we are also hoping to achieve links through nodes deployed on High Altitude Balloons and Sea Buoys. Interested? Talk to us in **[[|#ukhasnet on freenode]]**! We also have a **[[!forum/ukhasnet|Mailing List]]**. You can sign up without a google account [[!forum/ukhasnet/join|here]]. ==== UKHASnet Network ==== * [[network_structure|Introduction to UKHASnet Network Structure]] * [[|UKHASnet protocol documentation]] * [[parsers|Packet Parsers]] ==== UKHASnet Node Construction ==== === Introduction === * [[building_a_ukhasnet_node|Building a UKHASnet Node]] * [[radio_hardware|Radio Transceiver Modules]] * [[node_placement|Node placement]] - ideas of places to locate nodes === Guides === == AVR/Arduino== * [[guides:arduino_design|Arduino based node design]] * [[guides:moteino|Moteino (Arduino) node design]] * [[guides:emfcamp14|EMFCamp TiLDA MKe]] * [[guides:wvars_project|WVARS Project]] == ARM == * [[guides:lpc810_design|LPC810 based node design]] * [[guides:lpc812_design|LPC812 based node design]] * [[guides:rasp_pi_design|Raspberry Pi node design]] * [[guides:chip_design|C.H.I.P node design]] * [[guides:stm32f0_design|STM32f0 based node design]] == Software Decoders == * [[guides:rtlsdr_decoder|RTLSDR Based Software decoder]] == Components == * [[guides:sma_antennas|SMA Antennas]] === Nodes === * [[node_implementations|List of Members' Node Implementations]] * Balloon Nodes * [[balloon_nodes:emf14|EMF14 31/08/14]] * [[balloon_nodes:ball1|BALL1 13/09/14]] * [[balloon_nodes:ah3|AH3 01/11/14]] * [[balloon_nodes:aj2|AJ2 22/05/16]] * Sea Buoys * [[sea_buoys:AI3|AI3 09/08/15]] * [[sea_buoys:PFLOT0|PFLOT0 09/08/15]] * [[sea_buoys:MBb:MBb 09/08/15]] ==== Ideas and brainstorms ==== * [[ideas:gps_survey_node|GPS Survey Node]] * [[esp8266_firmware_update|ESP8266 - Upgrading the Firmware]] * [[hackwkend|Hack Weekend 2015]] === Solar/Lipo === * [[ideas:lipo_solar|Custom Lipo Charger]] * [[ideas:adafruit_lipo_charger|Notes on using the USB/DC/Solar Lithium Charger from Adafruit]] * [[nodes:solar_gsm_gateway|Solar GSM Gateway Infrastructure]] === Radio === * [[ideas:new_settings|Experiments with new radio settings]] * [[feedback:duty_cycle|Suggestions for management of duty cycle]] * [[ideas:aprs_rx|APRS Rx]] * [[ideas:temp_management| RFM69HW Temp Management]] * [[ideas:rfm69_frequency_trimming|RFM69 Frequency Trimming]] * [[mitigating_interference|Mitigating Interference]] ==== Workshops, Conferences and Hack Weekends ==== * [[workshops:LHS220314|London Hackspace Workshop 22/03/14]] * [[workshops:UKHASCon160814|UKHAS Conference 16/08/14]] * [[workshops:southampton2015|Southampton UKHASnet Hack Weekend 2015]] - Took place 8th/9th August 2015. * [[workshops:iow2016|Isle Of Wight Hack Weekend 2016]] - Took place 18th-21st March 2016 * [[workshops:iow2017|Isle Of Wight Hack Weekend 2017]] - Taking place 17th-19th March 2017 ==== ==== provides a community-supported sensor data archive and visualisation service. No connection to, or use of is required to build your own mesh network based on our protocol, but it gives you an easy way to look at data, looks cool and encourages more activity. * [[api| API Description]] * [[uploading_packets|Uploading Packets]] * [[database| Database Description]] * [[ircbot|IRC Bot]] ===== What is UKHAS? ===== The [[|UK High Altitude Society]] or UKHAS for short, is a community originally formed around the exciting hobby of [[|High Altitude Ballooning]] in the UK, but has now grown to be a strong International Community interested in all things electronic, wireless, and otherwise awesome. You can join the wider UKHAS community on irc at [[|#highaltitude on freenode]].
ยท Last modified: 2020/06/27 23:02 (external edit)
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