The database behind is a PostgreSQL Database.
NB: Details of the tables will be provided here with diagrams however the layout is being worked upon.
When making changes please comment as to what you've changed
2014-05-05 22:53 < craag> mfa298: Could we have another field in the nodes table that selects whether a node is displayed on the map? 22:54 < craag> I've got a few of my mbed nodes that I'm not using, but are really cluttering. 22:56 < mfa298> I'm sure we can
Node Type of '1' now prevents display on the map - Phil 6/5/2014
This is a proposal to add the optional field 'RSSI' to the upload of rows - Phil
This allows the RSSI of a message as received by the gateway to be uploaded with the message and displayed in the logtail, as this is in the database future views of this data are of course possible!
Ability to add this to the HTTP POST and to insert it will need to be added to the API.
Added to Schema 2014-04-26 - Mike
Changes to bot, api and specialist gateways.
CREATE TYPE ukhasnet.msgstate AS ENUM ('Pending', 'Sent'); CREATE TABLE ukhasnet.irc_msg ( id serial NOT NULL, TIME TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), src_nick VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, src_chan VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, gatewayid INT NOT NULL, nodeid INT NOT NULL, message VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, STATUS ukhasnet.msgstate NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Pending', PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY (nodeid) REFERENCES ukhasnet.nodes(id), FOREIGN KEY (gatewayid) REFERENCES ukhasnet.nodes(id) );
This is a proposal of the changes to make to add Node Type functionality
Creation of new Table to hold node types.
CREATE TABLE ukhasnet.nodetypes ( id serial NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, icon VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'node.png', PRIMARY KEY (id) );
Changes to nodes table
ALTER TABLE ukhasnet.nodes ADD COLUMN typeid INT; ALTER TABLE ukhasnet.nodes ADD CONSTRAINT nodes_typeid_fkey FOREIGN KEY(typeid) REFERENCES ukhasnet.nodetypes(id);
Added to Schema 2014-04-26 - Mike
Notifications are used to signal events within the db to interested apps.
Emitted whenever a row in the 'upload' table is edited
Emitted whenever the location of a node changes (in the 'nodes' table)
Emirted whenever a new data packet is parsed