Constructed by dbrooke and jcoxon
Constructed at the Southampton UKHASnet Hack Weekend
Set up LPC812 board with RM69HW with MCP1700 3.3v regulator
Added Ublox GPS to UART0
Glued onto piece of card which sat inside the jam jar snugly but could move
Batteries on bottom of card
Hole through jam jar lid and coax passed through,
1/4wave wire antenna and then coated in epoxy.
Sea Trials
Launched 09/08/15 from Hurst Castle
Method of deployment: wade into sea and throw
Survived multiple throws,
Worked extremely well, reported position through out and acted as a repeater.
Last packet rx'd: 2hL507138,-15491,-4T41R-93[AI3,AI1]
Approximate range: 600m (though probably could have done more)
sea_buoys/ai3.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/27 23:02 (external edit)